Natasha Seymore: 首页 for the Holidays

Student Stories

December 20, 2021

Many will refer to Columbia College as a “home away from home,” but that sentiment holds true in a different way for graduating student Natasha Seymore. She grew up on Columbia College Drive, right...
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Student Spotlight: Ellona Moulds

Student Stories

December 2, 2021

Ellona Moulds is a junior Biology student, and she is an incredible example of the talented, 驱动, and bright people that can be found among the student body here at Columbia College. 后...
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Meet 2021-2022 Savory Award Winner: Kennedy Herndon

Student Stories

November 16, 2021

Grateful is the word Kennedy Herndon repeated over and over when reflecting on her feelings after being named the recipient of the 2021-2022 Savory Award. Kennedy is grateful for her time here at...
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Student Spotlight: Katelyn Lisznyai

Student Stories

October 13, 2021

According to Columbia College Junior and Student Body President Katelyn Lisznyai, Columbia College inspired her to branch out academically, pursuing a degree path she never saw herself pursuing...
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Male Students Making History

Student Stories

August 21, 2021

后 167 years of providing outstanding educational opportunities for women on campus, Columbia College has fully integrated men into their residential experience. August 19 was a monumental day, as...
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Student Receives CIC/UPS Scholarship

Student Stories

February 1, 2021

Columbia College student Andrea Choice, a Biochemistry major from Moncks Corner, SC, has been selected to receive a Council for Independent College (CIC)/UPS Scholarship provided by South Carolina...
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